Nelson-Mandela-quote-on-courage-500x530Will things ever go wrong and if they do,what becomes of me?
Will things ever stay wrong and if things go wrong,what do I do?
What really makes things go wrong?
How can I stop things from going wrong?
What are the end result or consequences of wrong situations?
Are my so powerless as to control situations and issues from going wrong?
……But why do things go wrong?

A failed business?
A broken marriage/relationship?
A consistently sinful habit?
A stagnated finances?
A family tale and history of shame and sorrow?
A troubling health record?

In fact,why would God allow certain things to just happen?
Is He not the all knowing and all powerful GOD?
Can’t He stop evil before it happens to me/us?

This and more are endless searching questions going thru the mental structure of the human race!

In all note this,when things go wrong as they must sometimes,stay right at all cost!

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