My Unexpected Thoughts.!!!!!


At 19, One would expect that the mistakes of
the past would have been corrected and the
future re-written however that is not always
the case therefore in the event that a
discrepancy should occur if not sure, It is wise to be
“The answer we seek is locked somewhere in
our mind as such the aim should not be to
find the right answer, it should be to
remember it” This line could save a life but i
dare say not a Relationship since all the
answers dis-covered and re-covered in the latter would still
have the same effect (PAIN,STRESS) owing to the fact
that the problem encountered in this scenario
should not be finding the right answer, It
should be making it known…
We all have a separate pair of Achilles’ tendon
so it is safe to say that our Achilles’ hills
differ in the same perspective, Some like to
know theirs’ and others don’t with intentions full of
reasons but I found
mine in you and i let you go, not because you
made me feel vulnerable or weak nor seek but
because it might attempting to control my
weakness and …
As individuals, We may be divided into 2 sub-
classes;Class 1 are the people who love battle
and would do whatever it takes to win
regardless of the cost,These are the Activist
or the Bellicose individuals however I would
love to believe that i belong to the second
class of people who are known for,in plain
terms”Taking the least bloody paths”They are
the Pacifist…
To you, who brought sunshine into my life-
The Least Bloody path is not the path that
hurts you the most, Its the one that Hurts me
the most………..noble thoughts.

By: Ibisiki Henry .D.

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