Prayer Confession for Pastor Winston’s Travel to India & London

Bill Winston Ministries.

We, the Body of Believers at Living Word, pray in unity and faith for Pastor Winston and the team as they go forth to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom in India & London. We pray for doors of utterance to be opened for them to boldly share the Word of God in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. We pray for an outpouring of God’s Spirit upon India & London and declare that signs and wonders will confirm the Word that is preached.

Father, we declare that the Word will go forth with power bringing healing and deliverance to the oppressed. We thank you that wisdom and revelation flows in every meeting causing the people to be enlightened and transformed. Every person in attendance hears and receives the engrafted word that builds them up to obtain their inheritance.

Father, we declare that Pastor Winston and the ministry team are protected from all schemes and plots of the enemy. We forbid any demonic activity against them, their finances, possessions, travel schedule, transportation, health, meals, sleeping accommodations, the meetings and all ministry and leisure activity they engage in. We declare that no hurt, harm, danger or accident shall come near them. Father, give your angels charge over them to keep, defend and preserve them in all of their ways.

We bind every principality, power, ruler of darkness and every demon spirit that would try to operate against them or the people in India & London. We bind all spirits of antichrist, witchcraft, idolatry, divination and sorcery that would try to hinder the success of this mission trip and declare that the works of the devil are destroyed in Jesus’ name. We loose the heavenly presence of God, His mercy, grace, favor, anointing, love, power and peace upon the meetings and all involved. We plead the blood of Jesus over Pastor Winston and the ministry team, the hosting ministers, the churches, all attendees and declare success and victory over every aspect of this mission trip.

Father, cover India & London with your glory as the waters cover the sea. We declare that the time of the harvest is come, the latter rain is here, and the fields are white and ready for harvest. We call in multitudes of souls and declare that many are delivered out of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of God. We praise you for doing abundantly above all that we are asking according to the power that is working in us, and we declare that Jesus is Lord over India & London in Jesus’ name, Amen!

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